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Eating Disorder Solutions Internship Program

Eating Disorder Solutions (EDS) specializes in highly individualized, gender-inclusive eating disorder treatment for adults provided in a comfortable, homelike setting. Our multidisciplinary team utilizes a variety of treatment modalities including CBT, DBT, ACT, expressive arts, experientials and more to help clients develop a neutral and peaceful relationship with food, body acceptance, and positive self-esteem. We meet clients where they are to treat the whole person and get to the root of the eating disorder and any underlying conditions including trauma, anxiety, and depression. By identifying and addressing everything impacting our clients’ well-being, we provide the best opportunity for a full and lasting recovery.

We are proud to offer college students enriching internship opportunities in our Weatherford, TX location. Our program provides an immersive experience in eating disorder treatment within a supportive environment, surrounded by licensed social workers, case management professionals, and clinicians. Students will learn about all aspects of care, including everything from intake to treatment to discharge planning.

The training program is most appropriate for masters level students in Social Work, Human Services, Psychology and related areas. We are looking for strong applicants interested in evidence-based training; eating disorder experience is not required. Training programs are tailored to students’ needs and include 6-8 hours per week of supervision and didactics. Our team has helped students nationwide to develop skills and knowledge to prepare for a professional career in the field of nutrition, social work, counseling, and psychology with a strong understanding of the treatment of eating disorders.

“My experience thus far has been extremely informative and amazing! I have been able to observe so much that I had yet to experience, and now moving deeper into the “behind the scenes” aspect, giving me information on how referrals are done and what to look for. I have yet to have a bad day on site. Pulling up puts a smile on my face every time. I would recommend this facility every day.”

Kelsey Widman, LCDC candidate and 2022 intern

Weatherford College

How to Apply

Required application materials:

– Cover letter specifying interest in a specific area of specialty training.

– Current resume

– Two reference letters from individuals who can speak to your clinical potential and/or abilities

– Copy of transcript

Emailed applications are preferred. Please email required application materials to Nicole Sallee, Clinical Director, at info@eatingdisordersolutions.com.