Like everyone else in the world, COVID-19 has officially hit home! During times of heightened anxiety and fear, self-care is even more important! With increasing school closures, businesses temporarily closed, working from home, and honestly just being stuck at home — we must do what we can to take care of ourselves! Here are a few ways to continue self-care at home during the COVID-19 quarantine.
- Keep yourself busy! Feeling productive helps your psyche!
- Limit “binge” watching Netflix and screen time in general, as too much screen time, can cause lower psychological well-being such as increased anxiety and depression
- Create a “to do list” of things you have been “meaning to get around to”. Here are some ideas:
- Organize your closet
- Clear out and donate clothes, shoes, etc., that you no longer need or wear anymore
- Clean out junk drawers — we all have a few too many of these!
- Tend to your garden/lawn
- Paint a room you have been planning on getting around to
- Complete an unfinished project
- Clean out and organize the garage
- Make it a priority to spend time outside
- Go for a walk
- Read a book in the sun
- Have a picnic in the backyard — a change in scenery can do wonders!
- Schedule purposeful mindfulness activities
- Yoga
- Relaxation videos
- Journaling
- FaceTime with loved ones each day or call up an old friend!
- If you are stuck at home, make a point to keep up with your activities of daily living! It can be easy to stay in your pajamas, not wash your hair, and sit around watching tv. It actually is nice every once in a while, but not every day!
- Again, make it a priority to do something!
Now, if you are at home with your children — take a deep breath! You can and will get through it. One day at a time. However, there can be ways to make it a bit more manageable (and keep your sanity!).
- As mentioned above, keep yourself and them busy!
- Create a schedule that works for you and your family. The schedule may include:
- Meals and meal times
- Daily chores — you can even make this fun with a chore chart to earn different privileges!
- If you have school aged children, toddlers, etc., create specific times for schoolwork and learning
- Schedule purposeful play time throughout the day
- Spend time outdoors at least once per day!
- As mentioned above, have a picnic outside for a change in scenery
- Play time outside such as walks, riding bikes, scooters, tag in the backyard, etc.,
- Quiet time
- Scheduled screen time
- Family game night
- Of course, with children (and small toddlers) this can be quite the struggle! However, children (and people in general) do much better with a schedule and activities to do! Remember, to care for your children you must care for yourself first!
Like everyone else, we at EDS, are also restricted to staying in with no visitors. But that will not stop us from having some fun! Feel free to reach out to us and share your ideas of what you are doing to make this time more enjoyable! And remember, wash your hands!