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Monthly Archives: July 2019

Home 2019 July
Homemade No-Bake Fig Newton Energy Bites

No-Bake Fig Newton Energy Bites

This no-bake fruit pizza is a delicious, easy recipe to bring to summer parties as a snack or dessert! Find yourself struggling to get your kids to eat more fruits? Fruit pizza satisfies your sweet tooth and gives you all the great nutrients you need from fruit! This recipe is extremely customizable...
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Cycles of an Eating Disorder

Cycles of an Eating Disorder

It is hard from an outside perspective to truly understand eating disorders and disordered eating. Eating disorders often overlap and symptoms for each type may be present. In addition, individuals may cycle between the different types of eating disorders....
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Women of many body types walking down the street

Health At Every Size (HAES)

As a Registered Dietitian, I often hear “So, you help people lose weight?”. Then typically, I explain that I work with eating disorders and help clients find a healthy relationship with food, whether that client is overweight, underweight, or at a “normal” weight....
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