Top 5 Myths About Eating Disorders

Eating disorder myths

In today’s fast-paced and image-driven society, the topic of eating disorders has garnered increasing attention. Unfortunately, misconceptions and stereotypes still surround this complex issue, preventing many from seeking the help they need. In this blog, we aim to break down the top five myths about eating disorders and shed light on the true nature of these illnesses. By understanding the reality of eating disorders, we can promote empathy, support, and proper treatment for those affected.

Myth 1: Eating Disorders are a Choice or Lifestyle

One of the most pervasive myths about eating disorders is that they are merely a result of vanity or lifestyle choices. In reality, eating disorders are complex mental health conditions with biological, psychological, and sociocultural roots. Genetics, brain chemistry, trauma, and societal pressures can contribute to the development of these disorders. Eating disorders are also associated with overwhelming feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, making it critical to view them as legitimate illnesses rather than voluntary behaviors.

One of the most damaging misconceptions about eating disorders is the belief that those affected choose to have their condition or that it is a passing phase that can be easily overcome with willpower. Rather, eating disorders are serious mental health illnesses with complex underlying factors that require professional help and support to overcome.

Biological, Genetic, and Environmental Factors Contributing to Eating Disorders:

  • Biological Factors: Growing evidence suggests that biological factors play a significant role in developing eating disorders. Neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain, particularly involving serotonin and dopamine, can influence mood, appetite, and impulse control, potentially contributing to disordered eating behaviors. Moreover, hormonal fluctuations during puberty, menstruation, or menopause can also affect the risk of developing an eating disorder.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Studies have shown a hereditary component in eating disorders. Individuals with a family history of eating disorders or other mental health conditions may have a higher risk of developing such illnesses themselves. In fact, 28-74% of the risk for eating disorders is through genetic heritability (1). Although genetics don’t solely determine the development of an eating disorder, they can influence an individual’s susceptibility.
  • Environmental Triggers: Environmental factors are crucial in triggering and exacerbating eating disorders. Societal pressures, such as the unrealistic beauty standards promoted in media, can lead to body dissatisfaction and the desire to achieve a specific body shape or size. Additionally, a history of trauma, abuse, or adverse life events can contribute to developing disordered eating patterns as a coping mechanism.

Eating disorders are not a choice or a temporary phase; they are severe mental health conditions that can have life-threatening consequences if left untreated. Just as someone cannot will themselves out of depression or anxiety, individuals with eating disorders cannot simply choose to stop their behaviors. These illnesses go far beyond superficial desires for weight loss and often stem from deep emotional pain and distress.

Family, friends, and loved ones are vital in supporting individuals with eating disorders. Understanding, empathy, and nonjudgmental support can significantly impact their recovery journey.

Myth 2: Eating Disorders Only Affect Young, White Females

While it is true that eating disorders disproportionately affect young women, they can impact individuals of any age, gender, ethnicity, or background. Recent research has highlighted that eating disorders are not limited to a specific demographic, and males, older adults, and individuals from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds can also be affected. 

The myth that eating disorders only affect a specific demographic is a harmful and pervasive misconception that can hinder diagnosis, treatment, and support for those struggling with these illnesses. However, comprehensive research and personal testimonials reveal the truth: eating disorders can impact individuals of all genders, ages, body shapes, and sizes.

Statistics and Research:

Gender: Eating disorders are not limited to females, as previously believed. 

  • There are approximately 20 million women and 10 million men in the United States who will eventually suffer from an eating disorder (2)
  • Males account for 25% of those with anorexia nervosa, and they are at a higher mortality risk, in part because they are often diagnosed later because people assume males aren’t afflicted by them (8). 
  • While females may be more likely to seek treatment, males face barriers due to societal stigmas, leading to underreporting and underdiagnosis.

Ages: People can develop eating disorders at any point in their lives. 

  • The American Psychiatric Association reports that the median age of onset for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is 18-21 years, but eating disorders can emerge as early as childhood or during middle age and beyond. 
  • The prevalence of eating disorders among older adults is often overlooked, leading to inadequate support for this population.

Body Shapes and Sizes: Contrary to popular belief, eating disorders do not discriminate based on body size or shape. 

  • The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) states that 95% of individuals with eating disorders are healthy and overweight. 
  • Conditions like binge eating disorder can affect individuals across various body sizes, shattering the stereotype that eating disorders are solely associated with being underweight.
  • A person with a larger body is half as likely to be diagnosed with an eating disorder as a person with a “normal weight” or “underweight” (3)

BIPOC (BIPOC refers to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color):

  • BIPOC are half as likely to be diagnosed with eating disorders or to receive treatment (2)
  • There is a 50% higher rate of bulimic behavior among black teenagers than among white teenagers (4)
  • The prevalence of bulimia nervosa among Hispanics is significantly higher than that among non-Hispanics (4).
  • Asian American college students report greater restriction, purging, and muscle building than white or non-Asian, BIPOC peers (5). 

LGBTQ+: The LGBTQ+ community can be significantly affected by eating disorders, with various factors contributing to their prevalence, including body image and societal pressures, minority stress, identity-related factors, trauma and bullying, and substance abuse. 

  • Nearly nine in ten (87%) LGBTQ youth reported dissatisfaction with their bodies (6). 
  • College students who identify as transgender report experiencing disordered eating four times more often than cisgender peers (7). 
  • As with androgynous stereotypes in popular culture, non-binary people may restrict their eating in order to appear thin (7). 

Recognizing that anyone can be susceptible to these disorders is vital in reducing stigma, promoting early intervention, and fostering a supportive environment where individuals can seek help and support without judgment. As long as we understand the universality of eating disorders, we can provide effective and inclusive care to those struggling with these challenging mental health conditions.

Myth 3: Recovery is Quick and Straightforward

One common misconception about eating disorder recovery is that it follows a linear and swift path, where individuals progress steadily towards complete healing. In reality, the recovery journey is far more complex, marked by challenges, setbacks, and the possibility of relapses.

Challenges, Setbacks, and Relapses during the Recovery Journey:

  • Underlying Triggers: Eating disorders often stem from deep-rooted emotional, psychological, and environmental triggers. Addressing and processing these underlying issues takes time and can lead to ups and downs during recovery.
  • Body Image Struggles: Healing body image issues is a significant challenge for those in recovery. Learning to accept and embrace one’s body as it changes can be gradual and may involve confronting societal beauty ideals.
  • Treatment Resistance: Some individuals may initially resist or find it challenging to engage in therapy fully. Breaking through this resistance can take time, patience, and the right therapeutic approach.
  • Fear of Weight Gain: The fear of weight gain is common in eating disorder recovery. It can trigger anxiety and resistance to treatment, making it difficult for individuals to move forward in their healing journey.
  • Co-Occurring Disorders: Many people with eating disorders also struggle with co-occurring mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or trauma-related disorders. Treating these comorbidities may complicate the recovery process. In a study of more than 2400 eating disorder patients, 97% had one or more co-occurring conditions, including (9):
    • 56% of patients were diagnosed with anxiety disorders.
    • 20% suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
    • 22% suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
    • 22% of patients had alcohol or drug use disorders.

The Importance of Long-Term Treatment, Ongoing Support, and Self-Care Practices:

  • Long-Term Treatment: Eating disorder recovery is not a quick fix; it requires ongoing and comprehensive treatment. Therapeutic interventions, such as individual therapy, group therapy, and family-based therapy, can help address the various aspects of the disorder and support the individual in their healing journey.
  • Ongoing Support: A robust support network is crucial for individuals in recovery. This support may come from loved ones, support groups, or online communities where individuals can connect with others who understand their experiences.
  • Professional Monitoring: Regular medical and psychological check-ins are essential to track progress, identify potential setbacks, and adjust the treatment plan accordingly. This ongoing monitoring can help prevent serious health complications and ensure the individual receives the necessary care.
  • Holistic Self-Care: Engaging in self-care practices that promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being is vital for recovery. This includes maintaining a balanced and nourishing diet, engaging in regular physical activity, practicing mindfulness, and seeking activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
  • Coping Skills Development: Learning healthy coping mechanisms for stress and emotional challenges is crucial in recovery. This may involve developing new strategies for managing difficult emotions or situations.

Eating disorder recovery is a courageous and transformative journey. It is essential to understand that recovery is not linear and that setbacks and relapses can occur. It is a process that demands patience, perseverance, and ongoing support. By recognizing the complexity of the recovery journey, we can provide the understanding and encouragement needed to help individuals navigate the challenges and embrace healing in their lives.

Myth 4: Eating Disorders Are Just About Food

Another prevalent myth is that eating disorders are solely about food and weight. In reality, disordered eating behaviors are often a symptom of underlying emotional distress or psychological struggles. Many individuals with eating disorders use food and weight control as a coping mechanism to deal with anxiety, depression, trauma, or a lack of control in other areas of their lives. Effective treatment for eating disorders involves addressing the root causes and providing holistic support.

Psychological and Emotional Factors:

  • Body Image Dissatisfaction: Negative body image is a common trigger for eating disorders. Society’s emphasis on unrealistic beauty standards and the constant comparison to idealized images can lead to body dissatisfaction. Individuals may develop eating disorders to conform to societal norms and attain a perceived “ideal” body shape or size.
  • Perfectionism: Many individuals with eating disorders have perfectionistic tendencies. They may feel an intense need to achieve unattainable standards in their lives, including their appearance. Striving for perfection can drive disordered eating behaviors as a means of gaining control over their lives.
  • Control Issues: Eating disorders often manifest as a coping mechanism to gain control when individuals feel overwhelmed, helpless, or anxious. The strict control over food intake provides a temporary feeling of empowerment, even if it leads to adverse physical and emotional consequences.
  • Low Self-Esteem and Emotional Regulation: Low self-esteem and difficulty managing emotions can contribute to developing eating disorders. For some, controlling their eating becomes a way to cope with negative emotions, creating a false sense of comfort and distraction from underlying issues.

Societal Factors:

  • Media and Cultural Influence: Media portrayals that glorify thinness and equate it with beauty and success can heavily influence body image ideals. These messages create an environment where individuals may develop unrealistic expectations about their appearance, leading to a higher risk of developing eating disorders.
  • Diet Culture: The prevailing culture of dieting and weight loss can fuel the obsession with food and body image. Being bombarded with messages about restrictive diets and “quick fixes” can push individuals towards unhealthy relationships with food and exercise.
  • Peer Pressure and Social Media: Peer pressure, particularly in adolescence and young adulthood, can exacerbate body image concerns. Social media platforms can perpetuate unrealistic portrayals of beauty and create an unhealthy environment for comparison and competition.

Underlying Mental Health Conditions:

  • Anxiety and Depression: Anxiety and depression are commonly associated with eating disorders. For some, disordered eating may manage the overwhelming emotions linked to these mental health conditions.
  • Trauma and PTSD: Individuals who have experienced trauma may turn to eating disorders to cope with the distressing memories and emotions related to their traumatic experiences.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): In some cases, eating disorders can be linked to obsessive-compulsive tendencies, such as an obsession with food and weight-related rituals.

Eating disorders are multifaceted conditions that extend well beyond a surface-level focus on food and weight. It’s important to remember that psychological, emotional, and societal factors contribute to these disorders, proving that food is not the only factor involved.

To effectively address and support individuals with eating disorders, it is crucial to consider these deeper influences and provide holistic, compassionate care that targets both the physical and emotional aspects of recovery.

Myth 5: You Can Tell if Someone Has an Eating Disorder by Their Appearance

A person’s physical appearance doesn’t always indicate an eating disorder. Some individuals may appear to have a “normal” body weight but struggle with eating disorders, and relying on appearances can perpetuate stigma and prevent early intervention.

This assumption stems from the stereotype that individuals with eating disorders must be extremely underweight or emaciated. While in reality, eating disorders manifest in various ways, and an individual’s appearance may not accurately reflect their struggles with disordered eating or body image issues.

  • Weight and Body Size Variability: Eating disorders can affect people of all body sizes and shapes. While some individuals with eating disorders may be underweight, others may have a normal or higher body weight. In cases of binge eating disorder or other forms of disordered eating, individuals may even be overweight or obese. Therefore, relying solely on weight as an indicator of an eating disorder can lead to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment for those who do not fit the stereotypical profile.
  • Concealing Behaviors: Many individuals with eating disorders go to great lengths to hide their struggles, especially regarding their eating habits or body image concerns. They may wear baggy clothing to disguise their changing body shape, avoid social situations involving food, or provide plausible explanations for skipping meals. This masking behavior can make it difficult for others to recognize their disorder based on outward appearances alone.
  • Psychological and Emotional Manifestations: Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions, and their symptoms go beyond physical changes. Emotional and psychological signs such as anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, obsession with body image or food, and disturbances in mood and behavior can be present in individuals with eating disorders. These internal struggles are not readily visible to others but are essential indicators of an underlying problem.
  • High Functioning Individuals: Some individuals with eating disorders can maintain high levels of functionality in their daily lives, including work, school, or social engagements. This ability to function “normally” can further mask their struggles and make it challenging for others to recognize the severity of their disorder.
  • Diversity of Eating Disorders: Eating disorders encompass various conditions, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and others. Each type of eating disorder may present differently, making it important not to rely solely on physical appearance to identify the presence of a disorder.

Assuming you can tell if someone has an eating disorder based on their appearance is a dangerous misconception. Eating disorders are complex and multifaceted conditions that cannot be accurately diagnosed through observation alone. 

Relying on appearance to judge someone’s mental health can perpetuate stigma, lead to misdiagnosis, and delay crucial intervention and support. Instead, it’s essential to approach the subject with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to individuals who may be struggling with these challenging disorders. Encouraging open conversations and providing a supportive environment can help individuals feel safe in seeking professional help and beginning their journey toward recovery.

Get Help for an Eating Disorder

Challenging the myths and stereotypes surrounding eating disorders is crucial to fostering a compassionate and understanding society. By recognizing that eating disorders are legitimate mental health conditions with complex underlying factors, we can offer empathy and support to those struggling with these illnesses. 

Breaking down these misconceptions allows us to create an environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking help, reducing stigma, and promoting healing and recovery. Together, we can contribute to a more inclusive and educated society that stands in solidarity with those affected by eating disorders.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, please reach out for help. You are not alone, and we are here to support you every step of the way.


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  • Deloitte Access Economics. The Social and Economic Cost of Eating Disorders in the United States of America: A Report for the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders and the Academy for Eating Disorders. June 2020. Available at:
  • Nagata, J. M., Garber, A. K., Tabler, J. L., Murray, S. B., & Bibbins-Domingo, K. (2018). Prevalence and Correlates of Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Young adults with Overweight or Obesity. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 33(8), 1337-1343.
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