Category Archives: News

Home Archive by category "News"
Self-Care During COVID-19 Quarantine

Self-Care During COVID-19 Quarantine

Like everyone else in the world, COVID-19 has officially hit home! During times of heightened anxiety and fear, self-care is even more important! With increasing school closures, businesses temporarily closed, working from home, and honestly just being stuck at home — we must do what we can to...
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Unseen Faces of Eating Disorders

The Unseen Faces of Eating Disorders

What does a person with an eating disorder look like? If you believe they look like a  heterosexual, young, white female you would be in good company, but what about everyone else? The “unseen faces” are those that society doesn’t talk about, do research on, or often even consider. It’s...
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National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Las week was National Eating Disorder Awareness week! This year’s theme was Come As You Are. Take a moment to reflect on what “Come As You Are” means for you. We had our staff explore what it means to them, here are some of the responses below: “For me, “come as you are” means accepting ...
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